Dealer Program
USA Fuel Service LLC will be glad to set you up as a stocking chemical dealer selling our fuel additives at a low investment or you can become an authorized dealer with our complete service and chemical sales program. We can help you become a one stop fuel solution center and dramatically increase profits in the process.
We provide our dealers with a state of the art system including training, equipment, chemicals, techniques and ongoing support. Our proprietary system quickly and easily solves fuel problems resulting from E-10/E-85-ethanol, methanol, ultra low sulfur diesel, bio-diesel and more.
We developed our new program to tap into that huge market after realizing our large commercial mobile units could not cost effectively service the millions of smaller fuel tanks in boats, RV’s, cars, motorcycles, ETC. (100-gallons or less)
This is your opportunity to stop losing high profit fuel polishing/tank cleaning jobs to other companies! We will supply you everything you need to generate higher incomes and instantly solve fuel problems in your shop. (Equipment, training, chemicals and support)
We are one of the nation’s leading mobile fuel tank cleaning companies with more than 40-years of ethanol fuel experience. If your customer has a fuel problem we can help you provide the solution. We build our own pump/filter/injector machines, produce and bottle our own chemicals, design the training programs, provide tech support and offer independent certified fuel testing programs if needed.
USA Fuel Service LLC is your one stop source for advanced fuel solutions using leading edge technology. Our system is thoroughly field-tested and proven successful.
USA Fuel Service LLC authorized dealers will instantly become the go-to experts in their area for solving fuel problems.
- Boost profits by performing fuel tank cleaning jobs quickly and easily in your shop with our new portable low cost, pump/filter/Injector machines. (Built with special new seals and gaskets rated for ethanol fuels to E-85)
- Dealers have a complete system including a proprietary line of certified safe fuel additives and professional strength chemical tank cleaners not available to the general public. We guarantee they will get the job done where the big store brands fail.
- Increased customer satisfaction from dramatically reducing call backs on work performed on carburetors, injectors and fuel pump cleaning & rebuilds. (You can confidently offer 100% satisfaction because our system works, Guaranteed!)
- Our national field operations provide an ongoing source of information to help us keep our dealers on the leading edge of technology in chemical products and techniques.
- Exclusive hotline to call for help on tough jobs to ensure the fuel problem is solved the first time and every time. (live USA based person answers)
- We protect you and your investment because this program is only available to qualified, licensed, insured dealers.
For details about our opportunities contact us at: (866) 575-FUEL (3835)
DESL-SHOK 8 oz. $20.85
GAS-SHOK 8 oz. $20.85
GAS-SHOK 1 Gallon $141.60
GAS-SHOK 32 oz. $49.20